
Hi! My name is Eline and I blog about a plethora of things. I really like DIY & crafts, so you may expect to see some of those. I particularly like sewing and drawing, but I'm also interested in DIY home decor and making deserts from scratch. I'm a graphic design student and I post my school projects on this blog, as well as artists I love and admire.

15 Things about myself:
  1. I'm owned by three cats, called Pixel, Schrödinger and Loki
  2. I have a boyfriend who will remain nameless and faceless and will henceforth be mentioned by "The Boy"
  3. I've been going to school as long as I can remember
  4. I once started veterinary school. After two years I quit and started studying something else
  5. I started a Bachelor in Communication Sciences and I'm very proud to say I did finish that one
  6. As of September 2013 I can call myself a Master in Communication Management
  7. Currently I'm studying Graphic and Digital Media at the Artevelde Hogeschool in Gent
  8. I'm very much aware I'm extremely lucky to get all these study opportunities from my parents
  9. Although I don't have the feeling I'm tired of studying (I love learning new things!), I am very curious to what my working life will look like
  10. When I was little I wanted to be a palaeontologist. I collected fossils for a while and was very decided. Until I got a letter from a real palaeontologist who told me there we're no job opportunities.
  11. I've been drawing my whole life, but never took it seriously, until two years ago. Now I want to push my limits and become better
  12. I like to make lists, can you tell? Some lists I make annually, like my birthday list. This year I've made my 26 before 27 list.
  13. I like collecting things, like books, skulls, artwork & art supplies, nature inspired things and pretty fabrics
  14. I would like to live abroad some time in my life. I'm very curious about different cultures and living in some exotic place would be pretty awesome!
  15. I blogged on another blog for almost seven years, but I wanted a blank slate, so I started Never Kiss a Cactus. I hope you enjoy my new blog. :)
A pretty colourful collection of pencils and markers A very cute kitty named Loki Scissors and notebooks, always handy when crafting A bit and cuddly cat called Schrödinger

You can also find me on on other places around the web...
instagram // twitter // etsy // goodreads

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik wou vroeger ook paleontholoog worden! (Was jij ook zo'n fan van Walking with Dinosaurs?) En toch maar niet geworden om dezelfde reden. Maar toen ik deze week dit artikel (http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20140306_01012133) las, dacht ik toch wel even: 'Doeme, te rap opgegeven!' :p

    1. Haha, ja, Walking with Dinosaurs was volgens mij één van de hoogtepunten van mijn jeugd! :D Moet zalig zijn om zo een dino te kunnen vinden (hoewel ik er nu niet echt meer met bezig ben, wat ik ergens wel een beetje spijtig vind...)

  2. Ik ben recent gewisseld van studie, op begin had ik het erg lastig hiermee maar nu voel ik me er heel goed en besef ik dat leeftijd niet bepaald of je wel of niet mag studeren maar je geluk en je kansen :)


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